Wednesday 2 March 2011

5 Tips for a Successful Marriage

Keeping a marriage strong is all about developing healthy habits. No we don’t mean eating brown bread and lentils – a healthy marriage is all about getting the basics right!

Here are our Five Tips to keep your marriage strong.

1.    Aretha got it right when she sang about R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Having respect for each other will keep things positive. When things are tough it gives you tolerance; when things are going well it makes you swell with pride.
2.    Time. Good marriages don’t happen by accident. Successful partnerships are fostered when both parties give each other adequate time and attention. Make sure you regularly sit down and eat together (with the TV turned off!), go out on a ‘date’ or share an activity you both love.
3.    But what good is time without communication? Talk, talk and then talk some more. Tell them your news, your views, the things that made you laugh, the things you’re finding tough. But remember, communication is two-way; you need to listen to them talk too!
4.    Say sorry! We’re all human. If you get it wrong say ‘sorry’ and move on. Don’t let your pride elongate arguments. Your own ability to apologize will also encourage your partner to do likewise.
5.    Compromise. Healthy marriages are made up of couples that talk, listen and then go forward together. This may involve one partner getting their own way or in both partners finding a middle path. The ability to compromise or find win-win solutions is a great asset to any marriage.

Adopting these five healthy habits will go a long way to improving your marriage.
If you need help to develop healthy habits in your marriage, find out more tips on how to save your marriage today.