Thursday 21 April 2011

How to Make Up After a Fight

We all fall out from time to time but were you aware you can learn useful tactics to help you fall back ‘in’?

Here are a few tips for putting things right:

1.    Try to think ‘beneath’ the argument. Were you fighting about the topic itself or is there an underlying cause such as feeling insecure, unappreciated, jealous etc?

2.    Were you at fault? Did you over-react? Act defensive? Did your partner? Try to identify what escalated the argument and learn to avoid the same behavior in the future.

3.    Forget rights and wrongs and apologies. It’s not about a score sheet or forcing your spouse to say ‘sorry’. Keep the focus on resolving the issue and moving forward. Don’t get hung up in the whole blame game.

4.    When you argue try to remember to keep calm and speak softly. The way you speak affects one another. A calm conversation is much more likely to get things resolved.

5.    Learn from the argument and try to implement changes so that you don’t fall into the trap of repeatedly having the same unresolved argument.

Learning to live together is not easy and couples of all ages can find that they have become caught up in a cycle of fighting. Learning the strategies and tips to keep your marriage healthy can have a dramatic affect on your happiness. If you want to take steps to save your marriage today make sure you use the valuable ‘marriage-saving’ resources on the market, designed by experts for everyday folk.